How often do we as men sit back after watching a movie like
Braveheart or Gladiator, wishing we could be heroes like them. Well we can in
our own way. For families and for ourselves.

It 's not about how much money you make or the car you drive, but it is more about the quality time that we spend with our children, giving them our undivided attention even if it is just for a hour or two at play area, i'm sure we can all sacrifice that time instead of being in our own little bubble. Gone should be the times where we are fathers and instead we should be dads.
In todays society with everything being so fast paced and trying to reach the top of the corporate ladder or aiming for that next promotion it takes precedence over our kids and the relationships we should be forming with them. It is understandable that work is important but it should never be more important than our kids. That is where we should be compromising and getting involved, instead of playing golf the entire day after a week of not spending time with your kids, wouldn’t you think it is better to cancel the game every now and then and take your kids and plan a fun filled day with them.
Take your sons on an adventure or take your daughter for
breakfast followed by a day on the beach.
The reason there so many men that are being called MOMMIES BOYS is because dad is no where to be seen, instead he is sitting in a pub with his mates or playing golf every weekend. The same goes for girls, so many are sitting with daddy issues because dad was not there to form a bond with, to give her that security that she so deeply yearns for.
Lose the ego and play with themThe reason there so many men that are being called MOMMIES BOYS is because dad is no where to be seen, instead he is sitting in a pub with his mates or playing golf every weekend. The same goes for girls, so many are sitting with daddy issues because dad was not there to form a bond with, to give her that security that she so deeply yearns for.
some men are so worried to be seen running crazy with our daughters in the mall or at the play ground or even at parties because of what the guys might say or what your boss might think if he had to see you with a flower in your head because your little girl wants you to wear it. What we should be worried about instead is being a hero for our daughters or sons.
I’ll never forget the day i dropped the ego act and stopped
being lazy and danced with my daughter, the look she gave me was incredible,
she was so pleased to see that her dad was wasn’t just in the room but actively
in the room, teaching her how to dance. And the smile i received from her was
one of pride, as if saying, here is my dad, he might not have the best dance moves
but at it least he is trying.
Security in their hearts
I was up in the tunnels with my daughter at a play area once
and there was a rope ladder which was very intimidating for her and she was
saying how scared she was to cross it, so i took her by the hand encouraging
her every step of the way until we crossed the rope ladder together and then it
was high fives all around, and hugs, i was so pleased and so proud of her and
she could see that. The next step was for her to walk across the ladder alone
with me on the other side cheering her on, at first she was hesitant but i kept
telling her she can do anything and that im here and wont ever let her fall, as
soon she heard that she started to cross the ladder bridge until she was in my
arms, both of us shouting and screaming in joy because of what she just
Now looking back at that moment i realised that there are kids
especially girls that don’t have that security figure with them when they needed
to cross that bridge or obstacle in life, and are afraid to go for it now because
back in their minds they never had the support or encouragement from an early
age, no one to tell them " you can do it ".
Reading a few books like Redeeming Love and Wild at Heart
will open our eyes as dads and help prepare our kids for one day when they have
to cross the bridge alone.
All fathers should read this brought a tear to my eyes