There comes a time in every mans live when he starts to feel as if he is just going through the motions, battling each and every day with no vigour and fire in his heart. Losing all that he is and know as a man.
How often do we watch movies like into the wild or an old classic like don't cry wolf,
watching these guys go out there and live an adventure, making fire to keep warm, eating shrubs to sustain their lives, basically returning to where their hearts and cave man ability came from, to test themselves against nature and everything it has to throw at them.
There is something about being in the wild, in the bush, that brings back to life something within every man, whether it be a surge of adrenaline pumping through our veins, or the incredible feeling of making a fire to keep you warm out of nothing but flint. Being one with nature, and the quietness it can bring one minute and absolute fear
another without warning.
Its in our DNA to go out and find adventure, to cook on a open fire, but the only problem is that it is buried far deep below todays society of work and meeting deadlines, and what society expects from us, the problem is finding it again, burying deep within ourselves and yanking that DNA structure back to the surface is all that is required to bring that inner cave man out again.
Finding your adventure
Now I'm not saying you need to pack up house and relocate you and your entire family to the middle of Congo, to go and play with Gorillas, instead look around you there are so many ways to go out and have an adventure, and it wont even put dent in your wallet.
For example go out and find trails, paths, or even better make your own path to get somewhere, almost like the pioneers of old. Take some food with that you can cook over an open fire in the bush, find a water hole somewhere and go with mates to explore it maybe even do some fishing and instead of cooking the fish at home, clean it right there and then, put a stick through it, make a fire, and cook it. Or go for a hike even if it is just a 2km in the bush on your own or with your mate or girlfriend.
Some of us fortunate to have hiking trails nearby, i for one know of a short trail through the bush nearby where i live that ends at a deep river pool with a rock face that makes for a pretty good platform from which to jump off into the pool, and to get the face you need to swim to it and climb up, and if you feel you are going to slip or fall all you need to do is push off and fall into the water. What better way to spend a Sunday afternoon with mates cooking meat over an open fire and climbing up a rock face and testing your inner courage. Plates and cutlery are definitely not an option, eat straight off the fire.
I remember a story my grandmother once told me about my late father. On weekends coming back from boarding school he would visit them on their farm, he would arrive on a Friday, and within in minutes he had a bag packed with a few bites to eat, hunting rifle over his shoulder, and the faithful dog Speddle by his side and he would wonder off into the bush for a night or two looking for game. Now that was looking for adventure, and he was only 17.
Every man needs this to bring him back to life, to get back to the roots of his existence, and by the time you are finished with your adventure you will feel ready and charged to take on the week that follows with more vigour and enthusiasm.
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