The same goes for Samson although his arrogance and pride, God gave him a gift of strength, and with this strength he broke free from chains, killed a thousand men with a donkeys jaw, and brought an entire temple down.
You look at these two characters in the bible, they were strong Christians who didn't take nonsense from anybody. it is understandable that it is the old testament but the point I'm bringing across is that to many Christians are afraid to stand up for themselves, believing that getting angry is wrong, yes, to a degree it is, but there is a big difference between getting angry and standing up for ones self. It states in the bible that we men were made in the image of God ( Genesis 1:27 ) .http://bible.cc/genesis/1-27.htm .So now if we think about it for a while, did God back down when Moses was being pursued across the desert by the Egyptians..NO, he destroyed the entire Egyptian army by crashing a sea on top of them, talk about giving someone a proper hiding. God didn't back down when Pharaoh refused to let his people go, no he didn't, instead he brought upon a pestilence, boils, death just to mention a few ( Exodus chapter 7 to chapter 11 ), now I don't know about you, but I'm glad I'm on his side.

Let me ask you a question? what would you do if someone was breaking into your house and your life and that of your families were in danger, would you just sit there and be polite, or give up and ask God to take them away, and surrender and let them beat your wife or beat your children, or even worse. I say HECK NO....I might be a Christian and yes I will pray, for strength and courage, but I will also as sure a heck get stuck into them....its called STANDING YOUR GROUND..and I like I mentioned before " for evil to prevail, it takes a few good Christian men to stand by and do nothing"
Remember David prayed before he went into battle, but also got stuck in, Samson prayed before beating the pulp out of people who were killing his people, he didn't stand there with roses and sing them a lullaby, he got stuck in. New Testament...Jesus sees people selling goods and doing things in a temple that they were not supposed to be doing, he didn't just walk by calmly and ask them politely to please leave, NO...he turned their tables over and drove them out of the temple. ( Mark 11:15 )
The reason a for Christian marriages not lasting is one because the men are getting soft, we don't feel the need to fight for anything anymore...you look at a scene from FIRE PROOF, Caleb in the process of rescuing his wife's heart, finds out that a doctor who works with his wife is trying to seduce her, Caleb doesn't wait for his wife to chase the guy away, instead he walks into this posers office and tells him off, and threatens him that if he continues he will basically beat him senseless, it is one of my favourite parts in the movie, and these sort of things happen on a daily basis, so then why do we wait for our partners to tell them off, remember she is your wife and she relies on your strength and warrior like presence to rescue her from these sort of posers, this is one of the really good reasons to fight for and stand up for, for yourself and those who you love, but most importantly for your GOD, just like David stood up for his nation, and his people.
Very inspirational and we do sometimes want God to do everything and we do not try ourselves. Well wriiten may God bless the world.