Friday, May 3, 2013


Asking for Gods guidance can sometimes feel like a schlep, especially for us men, who wont even ask for directions when we get lost, thats if we even admit to getting lost.

The same principle counts here, when we feel lost instead of burying our heads and keep going the same course due for a collision into a brick wall we should there and then turn to God for guidance or direction if you will. Admitting that we are lost and that we need his guidance to correct us.
Men are the head of the families and if you are losing direction, there is a good chance that your family will follow.

Numbers 9:23

At the Lords command they encamped, and at the Lords command they set out. They obeyed the Lords order, in accordance with his command through Moses.

Simply put – if you are the head of your family ( Moses ) and then the Israelites are your family, so just like God used Moses to guide his flock, then so should you guide your family with God guiding you as the man of the house.

·         When you follow Gods guidance, you know you are where God wants you to be.

·         Ask God what he wants you to do where you are right now in your life.

·         Remember God has a purpose for placing you where you are right now.

·         Begin to understand Gods purpose for your life by discovering what he wants you to do right now.

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